Dan and Alice's Marvellous Musings

Friday, April 14, 2006

Update on the House

Well actually hardly anything needs doing on the old place, as it has been refurbished wonderfully by the vendor, but it is the garden that need sorting. Sorting is the wrong word actually, as it is fine, it is all grass at the mo with a rather huge deck area, and a large concreted area. We are deconstructing a large pagoda trellis thing that was in the middle of the lawn attached to the edge of the deck. It would have been fine in a large garden, but it is a bit big for ours. Other things under consideration are:

Siting of the greenhouse that is to arrive from the parents in the next few months
Getting rid of the large concrete area and moving the shed
Deconstructing the big pagoda and seeding lawn where it now stands (or moving turf from another part of the garden where we will have beds)
Planting some stuff!!!!

It strikes me that I should take some photos actually to illustrate what I am talking about.

There is this wierd spikey plant in the front garden I have no idea what it is, but it has to go. I am thinking at the moment of replacing it with an acer. Other thoughts include where can we plant a eucalypt and where can we plant a magnolia. Mostly I am wondering how far they need to be from the house. Obviously I need to read some books!


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